We are excited to say that we have routinely been assessing 4 to 6 new dogs every week for the last month or so! As you can imagine, this bodes very well for the coming season. That said, we have decided to implement the following new Check In Requirements for all dogs, not just new clients. Please call us if you have any questions or concerns about the following:
Our current client contract reads:
6. Owner specifically represents to Kennel that the pet has not been exposed to rabies, distemper, parvo virus, feline leukemia or other contagious diseases within a thirty day period prior to boarding.
The new client contract will be revised to the following:
6. Owner is obligated to verify that their dog(s) is in good health and is free from any condition that could potentially jeopardize the health of other guests. Dogs that have been ill with a communicable condition in the last 30 days must provide veterinarian certification of health to be admitted or readmitted to our facility. If, at any time during care, a dog is noticed to have fleas or ticks, the owner will be notified and treatment may be applied and charged to the owner at the minimum rate of $15.00. All dogs will be examined for signs of fleas and ticks at check in. This “spot check” is not a foolproof process; therefore, YPS requires all dogs to be on a topical or oral flea and tick preventative (excluding flea and tick collars). Product suggestions: Vectra, K-9 Advantix, Frontline Plus, Advantage.
In addition, the following will be added:
7. SPAY/NEUTER: All female dogs 7 months or older must be spayed. Owners of male dogs may delay neutering until 1 year. However, YPS will reassess male dogs every month after 7 months. If at any time behavioral changes or high capacity require it, these dogs may be refused daycare or boarding.
Please bear with us, as we continue to update policies for the ultimate safety of all our guests.